Tylko Hub Table was designed under creative direction of Yves Béhar. I was responible for the design and development taking the initial concept and evolving it into a real production ready design system.
Tylko Hub can be transformed from small desk to enormous 2,5 m length conference table. We designed the system to adapt to different user needs and incorporate various styles like serious looking matte black self-healing laminates, and softer, veneer and white finishes.
Creating products at Tylko was defined by challenges posed by configurator — in which users can create their desired furniture. Clients have control over styles and precise dimensions. Therefore, customization posed a rather complicated task to the development team. Designers and in-house engineers collaborated closely with contractors preparing an automated documentation system. We used CNC to cut out tabletops with special tooling for the side profiles. We selected durable laminates for tabletops, with one special: black self-healing version. Because of two leg angles to choose from in the configurator, we developed a modular assembly for legs: the bottom milled on a CNC lathe, and the top “crown” made on a computer-controlled 5-axis mill. Then both parts were joined with expanding glue for maximum durability and lacquered in the selected color and transparent finishes.